4th quarter kickoff workshop

This is where we get to work and build out our game plan for the final 90 days of 2024. Everything you need to get ready for the 4th Quarter is here. Follow all the lessons & tutorials below and start building your plan and future!

Let's get to work and have some fun.

P.S Share this with your friends, family, workmates and people in your community - this is something we all have to work on and it's to do with our own lives & future.

the 2024 schedule

Get to work on the Q4
lessons & tutorials:


How to plan the next 90 days.

Let’s get to work on Q4 2024!

Here are 3 things I want you to work through this week as you prepare for the 4th Quarter of 2024.

1. 90 Day Action Plan!
The first place to start is your 90 Day Action Plan for Q4. It’s time to start fresh and have a fresh approach to your goals, now that we are coming into the final quarter of the year...

Read and work through the full lesson here

6 questions to ask yourself heading into the final quarter.

Here are a few questions I want you to work through to help you get back in the game in Q4 2024!

1. What actually matters to me?
Now is the time to be honest with yourself and find out what actually matters to you now. It’s okay to have new goals, a new found respect for yourself and build your life around things that actually matter to you...

4th Quarter Blueprint Planning Tutorial.

It’s time to put together our Game Plan for the next 90 days! Let’s Get to Work!

The Objective: The goal is to ensure you achieve your goals within the next 90 days and prepare yourself for a successful final quarter of 2024...

How to build strong routines and habits in Q4 2024.

In Q4 2024 I want you to build! I want you to build yourself up, I want you to build your life and I want you to give yourself every chance to achieve your goals within the last 90 days of the year.

Here are 4 things I want you to focus on to help you build and develop some new and more empowering routines in Q4 2024...

How to stay focused and motivated over the next 90 days.

Here are my best tips to help you stay focused and motivated over the next 90 Days!

Tip 1: It’s all about Focus. If you want to see results in any part of your life, you have to be ruthless when it comes to distractions and anything or anyone who can derail you from your mission. Right now, you need Results and that can’t happen without you being constantly focused on the outcome you want...

now you're ready to take on the final 90 days of 2024!

If you've followed all the steps and built out your game plan for Q4 2024 - Congratulations! Now it's time to get to work and put your plans to action and see what you can build over the next 90 days in every area of your life. Make every day count and do the best you can to achieve your goals and build your life on a more solid foundation.

Let's keep building in 2024.